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Man stands guarding his groin as he contemplates if a vasectomy is the right decision before he moves forward with treatment

What if I Made a Mistake

What if I Made a Mistake

Many men choose to undergo a vasectomy for several reasons, not least of which is that tubal ligation in women is more complex and permanent; however, surgery on such a delicate part of the body can be fear-provoking and make even the strongest of men second guess their decision.

Medical illustration of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) which has many treatments to help you reduce symptoms including TURP and Rezum with Dr. Akash Kapadia

Rezum BPH Treatment After a TURP

Rezum BPH Treatment After a TURP

Minimally invasive benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH therapy has made tremendous leaps in technology and effectiveness over the past several decades. Today, prostatic enlargement can be managed in several ways, none of which is more exciting than in-office therapies, which combine similar effectiveness of more invasive treatments with greater safety and generally fewer side effects.