Will I Maintain Length & Girth After a Penile Implant?

Tape measure around a banana represents changes in girth and length a man might experiences after penile implant

The primary goal of a penile implant procedure is to restore sexual function in the form of a solid and lasting erection. For many patients, the ability to have a normal sex life is all they want and expect after surgery. However, some patients, rightly, worry about the size and girth of their penis after a penile prosthesis. While this does not change the outcome of the surgery, nor is it a medical consideration, Dr. Kapadia and our entire team are very aware of the psychological impact these changes can have. And as such, we go to great lengths to explain to our patients that they should expect penile length and girth to be very similar to what they had before the procedure.

To make our patients feel more comfortable, we often measure the length and girth of the penis both before and after surgery, so there is an objective measurement to put the mind at ease. You can also rest assured that we select the size of our implant based upon the patient’s anatomy both for this reason and to ensure comfort and compatibility with its natural size.

Will the Penile Implant Increase the Length of My Penis?

The short answer is no; the length and girth of your penis are based on your body. It is essential that when we implant a penile prosthesis, we maintain the integrity of your natural anatomy. Ultimately, our goal is to restore proper sexual function. If there is any length or girth increase, this is a purely coincidental benefit.

It is also worth bearing in mind that we naturally lose length and girth as we age. Therefore, you should not compare what you had as a younger man with now. It simply isn’t reasonable to turn back time.

What You Can and Shouldn’t Do to Potentially Lengthen Your Penis

While penis length represents a significant concern for some men, there is a tendency to try unproven or dangerous methods to achieve the desired result. You should not take supplements, medicines, or use any stretching or vacuum devices without speaking to Dr. Kapadia and clearing it beforehand. Not only can some of these be ineffective and a simple waste of money, but others can cause potentially significant complications.

However, patients can consider a couple of ways to improve their anatomy without any drastic measures. First, consider shaving pubic hair, which naturally occludes the base of the penis. While it does not lengthen the penis, it does offer some perceptional improvement. Second, losing some abdominal fat through proper diet and exercise is a no-risk way to allow more of the penis to show. Again, while the physical anatomy has not been lengthening, more is visible and ultimately has the same effect.

Of course, we know that choosing a penile implant is an important and daunting decision. We have both a Coloplast penile prosthesis seminar and a Boston Scientific penile implant seminar for you to watch. We also suggest that you schedule a consultation with Dr. Kapadia to understand more about the process and expectations. Doing so can put many of your fears to rest and offer you appropriate guidance on how to move forward.

Straight Talk About Erectile Dysfunction

What is ED, what causes ED, ED as a health indicator, a discussion on treatment options, and a comprehensive Q&A

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