Low Testosterone Treatment in Atlanta, GA

‘Low T’ or hypogonadism is a condition that results in diminished levels of an important sex hormone called ‘testosterone.’

Testosterone plays a crucial role in men throughout their lives. It is produced by the testicles, and impacts the development of male sex before birth. Testosterone is vitally important starting at puberty, as it is the primary driver of boys transitioning to adulthood. It directly impacts muscle and hair growth, deepening in the voice, as well as growth and function of the genitalia during puberty. In adults, testosterone is important to maintain muscle mass, bone density as well as sex drive (libido).

Hypogonadism affects anywhere from 5-25% of men in the US, and is especially common in older males. Signs and symptoms of hypogonadism include decreased sex drive or low libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, decreased energy, depression, and many others. If you have these symptoms, ask your PCP or a men’s health urologist in order to have the RIGHT testing for ‘low T.’

Word of Caution: Only 25% of men in the US that are prescribed treatment for ‘low T’ undergo appropriate testing. You MUST see the right doctor and undergo the right testing as there are many other serious conditions that can cause similar symptoms.

Low Testosterone Treatment in Atlanta, GA

What are the treatment options for hypogonadism?

Dr. Kapadia will learn about things that are important to you, and ask you the right questions in order to help determine the best forms of treatment for you.

Testosterone can be administered in the following ways:

  • Topical gels or patches
  • Intramuscular injections (testosterone cypionate or long acting testosterone undecanoate (Aveed®)
  • Subcutaneous pellets (Testopel®)
  • Intranasal spray (Natesto®)

What are the side effects of testosterone supplementation?

Testosterone supplementation can be life-changing for many men, but it can also carry some risks. For men that desire children, it is important to know that testosterone is a potent male contraceptive. In other words, testosterone supplementation (‘exogenous testosterone’) over time will inhibit sperm production, and can often result in azoospermia (no sperm in the ejaculate). While this is reversible in most men over time, it is very important to know before starting treatment.

Testosterone supplementation can also increase your red blood cell count, which may require temporary stoppage or switch in treatment, or in some cases blood donation. If you have sleep apnea, it can also worsen your symptoms. Dr. Kapadia will recommend regular lab work as part of you ongoing treatment for hypogonadism.

Is there a way I can increase my testosterone AND maintain a normal sperm count?

In short, YES. There are ways to boost a man’s endogenous testosterone production. In other words, there are medications that may help drive testosterone production from within the testicles, which is ‘pro fertility’ or ‘fertility preserving.’

Only a reproductive urologist (andrologist) or a board-certified endocrinologist should treat men interested in fertility preservation. Dr. Kapadia has extensive training and expertise in treating men with this condition.

Low Testosterone Treatment in Atlanta, Georgia

If you are experiencing issues with Low Testosterone, see Dr. Kapadia, a fellowship-trained expert. Dr. Kapadia has offices in Roswell, and Sandy Springs. Make an appointment today to determine which treatment is right for you.

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