Eroxon Topical Erectile Gel

Man squeezing gel out of tube into hand

You may have heard of a new erectile dysfunction therapy known as Eroxon (MED 3000) that the FDA recently approved for over-the-counter use. It is a topical gel marketed in Europe and the UK as a faster way to gain an erection versus Viagra or Cialis, and their generic forms sildenafil and tadalafil, respectively. However, while this sounds like a fantastic erectile dysfunction therapy, does it work?

Before determining whether this particular gel works, we should discuss the history of topical erectile dysfunction gels and formulations. This very short discussion centers around the fact that we have tried to create topical versions of several medical therapies, including, for example, trimix, which is otherwise used as an injection into the penis, without any success – the simple fact is that, to date, we do not have a reliable therapy that functions topically.

Will Eroxon Gel Change That?

There have not been many studies performed in the United States that can show definitively that this gel will work; however, being that it has been used in Europe and the UK for some time now, we can expect that it may be effective for some patients. According to the manufacturer, the topical gel creates a warming sensation that stimulates penile tissue, allowing it to better engorge with blood. However, this is not typically the primary cause of erectile dysfunction. Instead, most patients suffer from a lack of blood volume entering the penis in the first place (often caused by atherosclerosis). Therefore, even if the tissues were more receptive to blood, there’s likely not enough supply to create and maintain an erection.

So, Who Is Benefiting?

As with many other therapies, including supplements, it’s most likely that this gel is working on men with either very mild or early-stage ED, or those who have ED with psychological roots. In other words, it’s doubtful that this would work for anyone who would otherwise have to take a significant dose of Viagra, Cialis, or their respective generic version.

Of course, whether this gel can do something other products have failed to do over the years remains to be seen. That said, being it is FDA-approved for over-the-counter sale, it likely has a track record of some degree of safety. As with most relatively safe alternative therapies, we do not necessarily discourage their use if the patient understands that they may not work and, therefore, be a waste of money…and that they visit a reputable urologist or knowledgeable medical provider to discuss possible risks before starting any new therapy.

If you are experiencing mild to moderate erectile dysfunction and these therapies have not succeeded, we encourage you to speak to Dr. Kapadia about starting comprehensive erectile dysfunction care, beginning with proper medications and moving on from there, based on results and needs.

Straight Talk About Erectile Dysfunction

What is ED, what causes ED, ED as a health indicator, a discussion on treatment options, and a comprehensive Q&A

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